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  • Writer's pictureMilk & Milo

Yes, I Love You to Pieces!

Updated: Aug 27, 2020

As a FTWM, though I would like to spend lots of time doing crafts and activities with my children, it's not easy to find the time nor energy, especially after a long and tiring day. But at the same time, even if I do manage to reach home slightly earlier, it's not everyday where I will get to see 2 bubbly kids welcoming me home. At times, they slept a lot earlier than usual. On other days, there could be other things awaiting me to attend to. And therefore, I will always try, be it just for a little while everyday.

So yesterday, I prepared a small one for both of them. To stick the tissue paper or stickers in the middle of the heart!

Materials Required:

- Printed paper (You can use Microsoft word to create and print it OR download it below:

- Pink tissue paper

- (OR) Stickers

I got Milkie to tear up pieces of tissues and rolled them up into small balls. And then slowly one by one, glue it on the paper.

For Milo, it's a lot easier, simply take out the stickers and paste! Yeah, it might seem easy to you but it wasn't for him. The mum deliberately chose relatively small stickers for him to try and he was struggling a bit. Of course I did help and guide him. But I am glad he didn't throw a tantrum when the stickers got stuck on his little finger. He only patiently tried to take out or otherwise, asked for help.

That's their masterpieces! It was kinda late so I didn't get Milo to fill up fully.

But apparently this small motorskill activity is enough to make Milkie requesting for another one. I was a little surprise though, at the sequence she filled up the hearts. Don't you think so?

P/S: Love you both to pieces, my little babies! My source of energy as well as drainer. *LOL*

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